
Uncover Wyoming History in Casper 


With 12 museums, there’s no lack of history to explore in Casper. For an overview of the entire area, start your visit at the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center. Or opt for a more artistic approach to the city by soaking up some of the best art from the Rocky Mountain Region at the Nicolaysen Art Museum. See Dee, Casper’s own Columbian wooly mammoth, at the Tate Geological Museum and learn about the dinosaurs that once roamed Wyoming. 

Additional museums to explore include Fort Caspar, the Werner Wildlife Museum, Bishop House, Casper Planetarium, Salt Creek Museum, The Science Zone and the Veterans Memorial Museum.

An added bonus: all of Casper’s museums are kid-friendly.

*The National Historic Trails Interpretive Center will be close on December 16th to receive updates and is expected to reopen in March of 2025*



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