
Tourism In Natrona County


In 2023, we welcomed 831,500 overnight visitors who spent $375.2 million, up 4.6% from 2022. That $375.2 million in direct visitor spending powered 2,890 full and part-time jobs, (right here at home!), and $108.3 million in earnings. Tourist spending also contributed $18.3 million in state and local taxes. Each household in Natrona County would have to write a check for $541 to make up the $18.3 million in taxes collected from tourists while they’re here. 

Tourism Master Plan

Casper Tourism Master Plan (2023)


CNFR Economic Impact & Visitor Profile Study
In 2018, College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) commissioned a third-party study through Dean Runyan and Associates to determine the economic impact of CNFR in Natrona County as well as a visitor profile of attendees. Find the full report here.

Casper Visitor Profile Study
In 2018 Young Strategies, Inc. conducted research and surveys for Visit Casper and has presented us with a Visitor Profile Research Report. The report takes a deep look at our lodging market and visitor profile, as well as a resident survey.

HVS Market study
In 2018, Visit Casper commissioned a market demand study for a proposed hotel & conference center in Casper.

Visit Casper Brand

Visit Casper’s brand strategy consists of a multi-channel approach utilizing owned, paid and earned channels to communicate Casper’s brand promise and to maximize influence with potential travelers and destination ambassadors. This is done with focused and targeted marketing, sales and public relations efforts. Review Visit Casper’s Brand Book here.

As the destination management organization for Natrona County, Visit Casper strategically markets the Casper area to potential visitors from various business segments. With a research-based approach, we’ve identified six key target markets from five geographical areas in the United States. Click here to learn more about Visit Casper’s Visitor Profiles and Marketing Strategies.

5150' Development Fund

Hotel properties who have voluntarily signed up for the 5150' Development Fund collect a $2 per room, per night fee that is voluntarily paid for by their guests. 100% of funds collected go into an account where funds are collectively allocated by a member of each participating hotel as well as Visit Casper staff to fund projects and initiatives that further support the local tourism industry.

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